Industry: Transport & Logistics, 350 Employees
Products: TraX Foundation...
TG4, the Irish language television channel, has been on-air since late 1996. They needed a solution to make it easier to manage their paper-based contracts and they choose EIS to deliver this. Important contract details that were previously kept in a paper format are now scanned and stored within the TraX SQL database. Multiple users across the internal computer network can now instantly access these contracts and these documents can be viewed, emailed or printed quickly and easily.
A very useful feature in TraX enables users to email or print pages within a document or a paragraph from a page. All documents scanned and indexed into TraX are automatically tagged with the person name and the date the documents were processed. This is useful for auditing the structure of the system and the department head can instantly check on the volume of information being processed by date/user.
Enterprise Imaging Systems is the go-to choice for businesses looking to simplify and streamline their document management and accounts payable processes. Click on the resources below to find out more.