Industry: Transport & Logistics, 350 Employees
Products: TraX Foundation...
Ace Express provides extensive Road, Sea and Air services and has grown to become Ireland’s leading freight company, with offices in Ireland, the United Kingdom and the Far East. Since its inception in 1989, the core philosophy for Ace Express has been to provide exceptional customer service levels and the flexibility needed to survive in today’s competitive business environment.
In line with this philosophy, Ace Express implemented the TraX solution, with the aim of significantly enhancing the efficiency of their administration department.
The TraX software enabled all of their delivery dockets to be signed and completed by their logistic partners around the world by simply logging onto their website and entering the TraX function. This gave them the ability to scan and index their paperwork directly into Ace Express’s logistics system, so the job could be instantly acknowledged as signed and complete. This resulted in a significant improvement in time and efficiency within this department.
Enterprise Imaging Systems is the go-to choice for businesses looking to simplify and streamline their document management and accounts payable processes. Click on the resources below to find out more.