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Leading Document, Information Management and Accounts Payable Automation Solutions from Enterprise Imaging Systems


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Streamline Your Business with Workflow Automation in Document Management

Posted by Rory Jordan

10 Min Read

Streamline Your Business with Workflow Automation in Document Management

Efficiency is key to staying ahead of the competition. One area where businesses often struggle to maintain efficiency is document management. The traditional approach of handling paperwork manually is not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. However, with the advent of workflow automation facilitated by electronic document management systems, businesses can streamline their operations and improve productivity like never before.

Did you know that businesses spend an average of 20% of their time dealing with document-related tasks? Imagine what you could achieve with that time if document management was no longer a burden.

The Power of Workflow Automation

Are your employees drowning in paperwork, spending countless hours searching for lost documents or manually processing invoices? It’s time to break free from the shackles of outdated document management methods. Workflow automation revolutionises the way businesses handle their documents by automating repetitive tasks, reducing manual intervention, and ensuring seamless collaboration among teams. With workflow automation, documents can flow effortlessly through various stages of processing, indexing, verification, distribution, approvals, and storage, all while adhering to predefined rules and guidelines.

By implementing workflow automation in document management, businesses can:

  • Increase Efficiency: Automating routine tasks such as document routing, approval workflows, and notifications significantly reduces the time and effort required to complete them manually. This allows employees to focus on more strategic tasks, leading to increased overall productivity.
  • Ensure Compliance: With automated workflows, businesses can enforce compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies more effectively. By defining rules and permissions within the system, organisations can ensure that documents are processed and stored securely and in accordance with relevant regulations.
  • Enhance Collaboration: Workflow automation facilitates seamless collaboration among team members, regardless of their physical location. Documents can be shared, reviewed, and approved in real-time, enabling faster decision-making and improving overall teamwork.
  • Improve Accuracy: Manual document management processes are prone to errors, such as data entry mistakes and misplaced files. With automation, the risk of errors is significantly reduced, leading to more accurate and reliable information.

Example: Invoice Processing with Enterprise Imaging Systems’ TraX Solution

Let’s walk through an example of how an invoice would flow seamlessly through the TraX electronic document management and accounts payable system, highlighting the role of workflow automation tools:

  1. Invoice Received via Email:
    • The journey begins when an invoice is received via email. The TraX system is configured to monitor a designated email inbox where invoices are received.
    • Upon receipt, the TraX system automatically captures the invoice data using optical character recognition (OCR) technology, extracting key information such as vendor name, invoice number, date, and amount.
  2. Automated Data Verification:
    • Once the invoice data is captured, the TraX system initiates a workflow for verification and processing.
    • Automated validation checks are performed to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the invoice details. This includes verifying the invoice against existing records in the ERP or accounts system.
  3. Workflow Routing and Approval:
    • If the invoice passes the validation checks within predefined tolerance rules, the TraX Workflow module automatically routes it to the appropriate department or individual for approval.
    • Automation tools in TraX Workflow allow for customisable approval workflows based on factors such as invoice amount, vendor, and department.
  4. Exception Handling:
    • In case the TraX system detects any discrepancies or issues during the validation process, it flags the invoice for review by the designated team member.
    • The team member receives a notification highlighting the specific issue, such as mismatched invoice details or deviations from predefined tolerance rules.
  5. Manual Intervention (if necessary):
    • The team member accesses the TraX system to review the flagged invoice and addresses the identified issue.
    • With TraX’s intuitive interface and comprehensive audit trail, the team member can quickly identify the source of the discrepancy and take appropriate action, such as correcting the data or escalating the issue for further investigation.
  6. Automatic Posting to ERP System:
    • Once all validation checks are successfully completed, approvals received and any exceptions are resolved, the TraX system automatically posts the invoice to the ERP system for processing.
    • Integration between TraX and the ERP system ensures seamless data synchronisation, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors.

In conclusion, TraX’s advanced workflow automation tools empower businesses to optimise their invoice processing workflows, driving efficiency, accuracy, and confidence in the automation functions provided. With TraX, businesses can streamline their accounts payable processes and unlock new levels of productivity and control.

Integrating with Email, ERP, and Accounting Systems

In today’s interconnected business landscape, it’s essential for document management and accounts payable automation systems to integrate tightly with other core systems, such as email, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), and accounting software. Here’s why:

  • Seamless Communication
    • Integration with email allows for ongoing monitoring with relevant invoice or other key documents automatically harvested from email and sent to your electronic document management system for indexing, filing and/or processing.
  • Efficient Data Exchange
    • Integration with ERP and accounting systems enables the smooth exchange of data between different departments. For example, invoices processed through the accounts payable automation system can be automatically synchronised with the ERP or accounting software, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Improved Visibility and Reporting
    • Tight integration between systems provides businesses with greater visibility into their operations and finances. Managers can easily track the status of documents, monitor workflow performance, and generate reports for analysis and decision-making.
  • Enhanced Productivity
    • By eliminating manual data entry and enabling automatic data synchronization, integration with core systems frees up valuable time for employees to focus on more strategic tasks. This leads to increased productivity and efficiency across the organization.

In conclusion, workflow automation in document management is a game-changer for businesses looking to streamline their operations and stay competitive in today’s digital age. By embracing automation and ensuring tight integration with email, ERP, and accounting systems, organisations can unlock new levels of efficiency, compliance, collaboration, and productivity. It’s time to revolutionize your document management processes and unleash the full potential of your business.

Don’t let outdated document management practices hold your business back. Embrace the power of automation with TraX and take your organisation to the next level.

Discover how Enterprise Imaging Systems’ TraX solution can streamline your operations, enhance efficiency, and unlock new levels of productivity. Schedule a free trial and online demo today and see first-hand how workflow automation can transform your business.

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